
7 October 2024


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Refund Update: Your Funds Are Safe

We understand the recent news about WeSwap has caused concern, and we want to assure you that your funds are safe.

From week commencing 7th October 2024, we are informed that WeSwap are planning to cease operations in relation to the WeSwap card programme. Given this new development, if you are a WeSwap programme cardholder, please can you get in touch with us at in order to arrange to receive a refund. We remind you that all cardholder funds related to the WeSwap programme continue to be safeguarded in line with regulation.

Need Access to Your Funds?

Please submit your KYC documents for identity verification at the bottom of this page as per these steps:

  • Fill Out the Form: If you’ve not already done so, please complete this quick form so we have the necessary details to process your refund.
  • Identity Verification: Additionally to the form, and to keep things secure (and comply with all the necessary regulations), we'll need the following from you:

–  A valid driver's license or passport in your name.

–  A recent (within the last 3 months) bank statement or utility/phone bill in your name that shows your address.

Once we have everything, we'll get your refund processed ASAP.

Rest assured, your money is protected. We'll keep you updated as the situation progresses.


Team Monavate

Affected Card Programs:

If you have a card associated with any of the following programs, your funds are safeguarded by Monavate:

WeSwap Glover Enterprise B. V Fair-eZone
KAF International Payment Business Ltd Currency Online Group Manigo Services
JIFU Global Ltd NEUMI UK Ltd Infinitus Holdings Ltd
Paymenture Ltd Transactive Systems Ltd Taasai Mobility Limited

Contact Us

KYC Verification - Please upload the required documents below.

Customer Refunds - Submit your details below:

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